Flavour of the Week – Brrrr its cold in here!

While I am meant to be staring into Spring’s beautiful face in Melbourne it is FREEZING instead! I even pulled out some wool to wear yesterday which I have not done in Melbourne EVER. I am hoping that we will be seeing the back of this rain and coldness very soon.

I always unintentionally revert to my black clothing when it is cold and blend into the masses of black in Melbourne. Something that I am trying to stop…. today I am wearing grey does that count?! Anyway because of this cold weather although I wanted to post a delicious spring dress to get us all looking forward to spring carnival I felt something with a slight sleeve might be more appropriate.

I LOVE ASOS and you can pretty much always find what you are looking for on there. I stumbled across two little black and white beauties which would be  perfect for now and can easily be dressed up or down.

ASOS Love Shift Dress

ASOS Pleat Back Dress

Have a great weekend


Flavour of the Week – Colour my world

I am a huge fan of t shirt dresses not just for their comfort, but the ease of use in chucking on one item and having it weather friendly for our four seasons in one day weather.   I have a black staple tshirt dress that just gets worn to death and then replaced in pretty much the same style when it starts to look a little worn.

I thought it may be fun this season to branch out and add some colour in my casual wear with this little gem from ASOS. I definitely wear A LOT of black so this would be a welcome addition to my wardrobe and not to mention Mr Short may even agree with the price range 🙂


Make the most of the weekend


Flavour of the Week – Living like a ladybird.

Another beauty from Camilla & Marc.  The Mozart Dress is fun, flirty and summery, I love the neckline and the contrasting lace and polkadots ‘stripes’ this could potentially the best birthday celebration dress I have seen so far and we all know a girl needs a new dress for an occasion such as a 28th birthday!


A little fact here I’m an ankle boots in summer girl so I think these babe’n biker boots from Holy Stone could be a match made in heaven.  Hurry up and stick around warmer weather I’m ready for you!


Have a brilliant weekend ladies and gents


Ice Block Flashbacks

I have been trying to think of some yummy treats to cure my sweet cravings. When I was in the store the other day I spotted these ice block trays and knew that I had to have them. I immediately was transported straight back to my child hood where these were often the treats in our house home made ice blocks.

You can put SO many things into these molds and they can either be whole or blended up into a mixture. I decided to keep these ones with whole fruit pieces for now. I added some berries, coconut water and shredded coconut. Frozen over night and then next morning I was eating one for breakfast whoops! Definitely not my intention but I couldn’t wait to have one.

Go and get some of these trays for Summer and get creative!






Things will be a little different round here.

So we thought we better fill you in on what’s going on . . . We’re separating . . . countries.  Miss L is heading back to the land of the Long White Cloud (New Zealand for those of you who haven’t the faintest idea what that means) to LIVE.  Soo what does that mean for L&S?  Pretty much you’re going to have the best of both worlds . . . Miss S will be covering all the goings on in Melbourne where Miss L will let you know a little more about Auckland life.  We’ll have more to write about, take photos of and fill you in on and lets be honest the blog needed a little boost right about now.

So be prepared we’re going to make this last half of 2013 our bitch!  

xx L&S


So you’re getting older . . .

It’s a funny thing we’re built to hate growing older after we turn 20, apparently you look worse as you get older (not true on so many levels, case and point Sofia Vergara).  Life gets more stressful as you concentrate on everything you SHOULD have as an adult not the things you DO have and to make matters worse that doughnut you had at lunch is really hanging around your inner thighs.   It’s not all bad we promise so enough of the depressing stuff, a bunch of us (we’ll say mid-20 years olds) were chatting about how you know you’re getting older so I thought I’d put together a list of the good, the unfortunate and the funny because ladies and gents it happens to everyone!


1. The amount of time spent going out drinking with your friends dwindles down to an occasional outing planned months in advance.  Gone are the days where we knew Saturday night meant drinking a bottle, slab or whatever and heading into the city to dance the night away.

2.  On the one occasion you do go out you’re constantly thinking “woohoo this proves I’m not a Nana” although you find the music too loud to talk to your girlfriends, you assess what all the young girls are wearing and how they must be cold, you never get ID’d anymore (although supermarket checkout operators still do it) and you no longer visit the bathroom with your entire entourage.  On the plus side you look at home drinking from the expensive cocktail list…

3.  You look forward to staying in.  Your perfect night comprises of a cheesy movie with friends or partner, chocolate, and a really good bottle of red wine.  You’ll of course be in bed before Midnight.

4.  You drink red wine!  Personally I hated the stuff throughout my teens and I’m sure I’m not alone.  It’s like someone flicked a switch when I turned 25 and voila I can’t get enough of the stuff.  Unfortunately my taste for expensive wines grew around this time too

5.  Cooking is now exciting too you and you think one of the biggest indulgences ever would be to own a black truffle and grate it over fresh hand made pasta just like all those French chefs from the food docos you watch.

6.  Weekends are no longer spent hungover but instead house hunting, food shopping, or going for coffee or brunch.

7.  You realize just how big the age gap is between kids in high school and yourself.  That shit is scary!

8.  You bake and what’s more you have a baking ingredient cupboard.


9. You have nowhere near as many facebook friends or instagram followers as your much younger cousin.  You were happy to reach 200 (and lets be honest you could cull those back a bit too).

10.  You shop for boring stuff and kind of like it.  Woohoo you get to try the next ‘flavour’ of hand wash (actually you pay $40 for hand wash!), you can happily spend the day in a home wares store picking out linens and kitchen utensils.

11. You can’t believe that teenage girls have the money to buy that new Kenzo dress, it’s a whole bloody weeks wage for you . . . plus red wine becomes more important anyway.

12. All of a sudden all your friends are getting married, like your now friends not the ones you grew up with back home.


13.  You have around 6 different tea flavours in your pantry and you finish almost every meal with a herbal tea.  When did that stuff even become delicious?

14.  You have to work harder not to be chubby!  God this sucks so much.  Where the hell did that excess arm circumference come from?

15.  You’re interested in random things like why is bubbly stored upside down?  Who serves the best crème brulee in the city?  Who is the best cobbler?  Which flour is the healthiest for me?

16.  You’re more patient because you now HAVE to deal with the idiots in the world like power company representatives,  real estate agents and lawyers (please note not all bad).

17.   You have plants and possibly pets that last more than a week.

18. You look back at your university years wondering why the hell you wore such average clothing most of the time.

19.  Ramen noodles will never pass your lips as long as you’re not hungover or have bought a seriously expensive pair of shoes.

So when you see a 19 year old you many be envious of now just remember how far you’ve come . . . or at the very least revel in the fact she’ll probably dislike who she was when she gets to our age.


Enjoy your weekend!

xx L

Blogalicious Dinner Deux

Hi there,

We are lucky in that all of our friends share our food obsession. This allows us to spend lots of fun times consuming and making delish food with friends which is definitely one of our favourite things to do. A gorgeous friend of ours came up with the idea of finding new recipes on blogs or other media and trying them out on each other. Last night we had the second blogalicious night and it was so delish we wanted to share.



The first course was Bill Granger’s Polenta, Chilli and Zucchini Bread topped with delicious slow roasted thyme and garlic tomatoes. Our two head chefs on this course found it was a better consistency with 1 1/2 cups of flour rather than two and that powdered rather than instant polenta was key. These both lead to an incredible consistency of the bread. The slow roasted tomatoes had an incredible flavour and were the perfect addition topped with parmesan.




The main was found by Miss Long and was a delicious hearty treat that was not too heavy. A Sweet Potato (Kumara) & Black Bean Chili we added a cup of tri coloured quinoa to this which made for a delicious consistency and topped it with cilantro, feta, lime juice jalapenos and loads of Tapatio. DELISH



The sweet course was a real treat with our obsession with coconut. Our baker produced a delicious cake from a favourite food blog of ours My New Roots. It was a delicious Pumpkin Spice Cake which she served with Coyo (the BEST coconut yoghurt EVER) and Roasted Hazelnuts. The taste combination of the pumpkin and coconut was delicious and the texture of the cake made it.


Our kitchen rules!


What should we make next?

Happy Friday

L&S x

Pinata Donkey/Horse/Elephant/Blob

Hey guys as promised here is the recipe for the Pinata cookies that we made at the Mexican Fiesta. It was so much fun making these and we had help from some very special ladies.

It was a bit of a challenge though so here are some tips!

– Roll the dough very thin as the cookies end up HUGE with the three layers

– Cut out the shapes AFTER baking the individual sheets… yes we read that after cooking them all hence why ours look like sea lions.

– These take A LOT of time so try and get some help 🙂









Have an awesome weekend guys.

L&S x